Monday 6 February 2012

Kon'nichiwa mina! ^.^


Nothing special happenned today, it was just a normal day, except for the fact that I had the day off from school~! Aaah, a relax day. My weekend went great, I head plenty of time to relax, and have fun too! Happy me! :D

Have a nice day~! ♥

Friday 3 February 2012

Fridaaay! :'D


Does it show that I've been waiting for today since the very first second of Monday? Does it? WOOT-WOOT! Okay, so, first, I really like colors now! *-* I mean, it's like, freakishly awesome, right? Okidokey, now that that's taken care of, plans for the weekend? Def'. First, Saturday. Karate in the morning (or rather, watch my brother and his class do karate), then restaurant. After that, it's home. Relaxation for the rest of the day. Sunday, SPCA from 11 o'clock (AM) to 2 o'clock (PM). Monday? Because, YES, I have no school on Monday! Well, on Monday, I'm going to relax once more! And of course this weekend includes tons and tons of music~!

Other than that, what's !BOOM!ing? Not much. I'm just in a really good mood all the time now! ^.^ 

So that concludes my blogging for today!

Bye bye!

Wednesday 1 February 2012

Total Boredom

I've been totally bored for like forever now. I have nooothing to do. Not even homework. Uuugh. I'm so bored I could fall asleep every two seconds. Being tired after a long day doesn't help. School sucks. So do exams. And crabby teachers.