Saturday 14 January 2012

Oops! >.<'


Sorry for not posting for.. a week! Although I highly doubt anyone is reading my blog anyway x) So, just poking in, nothing interesting has happenned since my last post, sooo... Yup! I guess I'll post when something fun happens ;D

Sunday 8 January 2012

Dissapointment :(

When I got to the SPCA this afternoon, all the dogs were walked because the person in charge forgot I was coming. That really sucks 'cause I was looking forward to it. Too bad, I'll do it next Sunday, no complaining, but kind of bored in the mean time!

Saturday 7 January 2012


I've volountered to do some work at the SPCA tomorrow! I'm going to walk the dogs, play with them, feed them, and bring them to the dog park and everything! I can totally see this becoming an 'every sunday' deal! It's going to be so much fun! And even if I live in a strictly french town, the owner speaks PERFECT english! So tomorrow is going to be SO much fun! Looking forward to playin' with the doggies :3 ♥

Wednesday 4 January 2012

Awesome day!

Yesterday I went to Kirkland with my grand-parents, two of my cousins (14 and 9) and my little brother (10) to see a movie (We Bought A Zoo). Before the movie, we stopped at the arcade and I kicked ass at racing games x) After that, we went to buy some stuff to eat during the movie. I got a bag of M&Ms and some Iced Tea, and shared a biiig bag of popcorn with my little cousin :D Then, we went to eat at an awesome restaurant, and had a great time! It was an AWESOME day, and tomorrow, my 'only' friend is coming all the way from Beauharnois to come and see me! We're gonna buy some candy and have a looot of fun playing in the snow 'cause I must admit... I'm still a kid x)

Monday 2 January 2012


Hi my dino friends! ^.^

I forgot to mention that recently I've been thoroughly obsessed with... DINOOOS! :D

I actually bought a sweater (amazing :'O). No, seriously, I was about to say, I bought a sweater with a dino on it... and it says: "Free Dino Hugs".

Quality is not so good, sorry 'bout that. So, that is my sweater. My new profile picture on Facebook?

And last but not least....

So if I ever say 'RAWR' on my blog, be advised... it doesn't mean rawr.


Well, that all for taday! :D

Bye bye!

Wait, how the heck did YOU get there?! Pedophile -.-''

Sunday 1 January 2012

Random! ^.^

H'lo! ^.^

I'm feeling like my two last posts were a little depressing, sooo...


Drunk Neighbor

I just spent 20 minutes talking to my drunk neigbour about her daughter (that used to be my friend, but then she started hitting me all the time - that girl has real issues) that she says she hates so much. *I understand. But did you have to come in with the wet and jumpy dog on his dirty leash while you were wearing two tons of perfume?* I wish I could have told her that. She almost fell down the stairs. I swear, I'm not answering the door next time she knocks, and if she comes in anyway, she'll taste my fist. I am tired of her ruining perfectly calm moments like the one I was living before she came! Ugh!


He talked to me today. He sent me a message. He hadn't contacted me for three months and today he sent me a message. Like he never made me cry. Like he forgot how much pain he caused. Not gonna say who he his. Not gonna tell the story. 'Cause it's long. And I'm not gonna get into the details.

But it hurts.

A lot.


Hi! ^.^

Well, since I got up early because my brother decided he would play DS in my room as soon as he woke up at THREE IN THE MORNING I decided to do a little blogging! About 2012? Nah, not really, just thought it was an appropriate title for today. Anywho, yesterday, I decided to make the time pass (because of course the new year had to be 2 hours and 6 minutes away when I last posted) by drawing a little bit. Since for Christmas my parents bought me a book called "How to Draw Mangas for Dummies" I read it (and anyway, even if I hadn't, my own personal experience - and Mark Crilley's "How to Draw" videos - would have been sufficient to make my manga look pretty cool) and the drawing I made last night was pretty cool. Ok, so the head was too small compared to the body, but the hair ended up looking AMAZIIING. So I redid it - only the hair - on a seperate paper and it looked... AMAZIIING. Most awesome hair I've drawn so far! And it's a BUN. Which looked so fudging tough! I mean, it looks... fabulous.

On another subject, I'm glad I don't have homework... -.- Homework during the holidays suck, and I'm really tired these days. So yes. Thank you teachers. Happy New Year to you too.

Changing of topics AGAIN. My brother is definetly going to be sick when we get home. My grand-parents shouldn't let him eat that much chocolate, even to me it's sickening (I who love chocolate with such passion!). 

And I think that puts an end to my post!

That is all for now!
