Saturday 31 December 2011

2 Hours Left!

Omigosh, omigosh, omigooosh! =^.^=

The new year is in 2 hours and 6 minutes! Woot, woot! For the first time ever, I'm staying up 'til midnight! My parents never let me -.- My grand-parents are too kind not to let me! =3

So, to anyone reading this post, happy new year, and have a good one! :D

Vocaloids ='3

Hi! ^.^

Vocaloids, you ask? Well, here's the answer...

So, now you know what Vocaloids are! But, still, you don't know any of them... Um... presentations! =D

Miku Hatsune, the reason Vocaloid is as popular as it is today! 

On the left, there's Len, and on the right, Rin (hihi ^.^), some say they're twins but... I frankly don't think so (not because of what they look like, but because of...).

Hello Kaito! ^.^ Not much more to say really, except... HE IS SOOO AWESOME.

Luka, the pink-haired Vocaloid who wants to 'Just be Friends'! :)

There are much more Vocaloids, these are just my favorites is all! ^.^

Well, thanks for reading and... if you've liked the music so far, you'll enjoy this parody of a pretty creepy Vocaloid song! Bye bye now! ^.^

Poets of The Fall - Carnival of Rust

Hello! ^.^

So I was watching AMVs (Anime Music Videos) on YouTube (by the way, check out my channel if you'd like: the other day and I happenned upon one in perticular (I haven't seen the anime, Clannad, and I'll definetly watch it when I get home) and the song that was used was Carnival of Rust, by Poets of The Fall, a band I knew nothing about. I listened to the song over and over (because, ya see, it was really quite beautiful and the AMV was awesome, though quite sad). And that is why I'm sharing it with you today! ^.^

So that is that!

Also, just wanted to mention this video I also happenned upon (accidentally)...  So I guess... Just need to post it here now!!

That is all! Later y'all! ^.^

Anime Girl Pics ^.^

Hey, it's mwa again! =3

Yeaaah so, as it says in the title... anime girl pics! I'm really bored right now and need to get my mind off things sooo here goes!!

I done! ^.^

Next time I put anime girl pics, they'll be music themed, so, yeah!


Hellow! ^.^

I felt like writing this morning. Noy necessarily anything that makes sense. Just felt like writing. So I'm going to talk a bit about my life, even though it's pretty boring, because no other topic comes to mind at such an early hour.<

A couple months ago, I got fed up of using Picnik and other cheap/crappy picture modifying stuff (my words aren't very precise, I know). So my dad downloaded Photoshop to my computer (don't know what version, I could find out,  buuut I'm not at home right now :P) and I started using it, even if at first I didn't know how it worked.

While searching for some interesting images to Photoshop, I feel upon this one.

Not a very interesting story at all (because that is indeed where it ends) but it was a really pretty picture so I had to include it in this message.

Oh, before I forget, my brother is making a blog (about legos, bionicles, robotics and what not - he's pretty weird kid if you ask me) so I'll probably be mentioning that in my future posts! ^.^

The real reason I made a blog, I think, is because I needed to find a friend. Not so practical trying to find a friend through a blog, but still, it's not as if anyone at school would even come near me, let alone look at me...

I miss having friends.

A lot.

Friday 30 December 2011

More About Me

"Still? Aw man!"

I know, I know, it's getting old, but there's still some more stuff you need to know about me! Bear through it please x)

1- I have a ten year old brother. His name is Lukas. He's sometimes quite anoying, but I sorta love him in a way (ewww). Like, the big sister way, ya know.
2-  I have a cat. He's fat. About 8 years old I believe. Goin' senile. His name's Charlie. He's the gray version of Garfield ;D
3- I like flowers. A lot. Don't know why. Before going to sleep sometimes, I imagine a scene... Let me write it for ya! :D "The soft breeze is warm, and tickles my neck as I lay amongst the millions of flowers in this never-ending field. A mixture of extravagant colors offers itself to me. I see flowers and flowers for miles, nothing but flowers and the greenest grass there ever was. I can hear the soft rushing of a river nearby, but I can't see it. Staring at the sky, arms spread out wide, I breathe in the fresh air that smells like crisp autumn nights and rain, although it doesn't seem like it's rained at all, and autumn is still a quite long way away. Three months 'til the sun's warmth won't help with the breeze that chills you to the bone. Three months 'til the end of the swimming season. Three months until the end of freedom."
4- I'm really smart. I'm actually in an advanced program called PEI (Programme d'Études Internationales - and yes, I attend a french middle school and will be attending a french high school also).
5- Sometimes I wish I was a werewolf, in a pack and everything, just so at night I could run away. Run far. Feel the wind in my fur as I succesfully escaped my painful day, that would be so far behind me. The pack would be my friends. 

So I guess that's it for tonight, and I'm going to bed. It's been a long day!

Wolfies ^.^

Hellow! ^.^

This is a special post dedicated to my favorite animals... WOLVES! So enjoy! ^.^

"Because the strength of the wolf is the pack, and the strength of the pack is the wolf."
- Anonymous

have been passionate about wolves since the age of 6 and have never stopped loving them since.

I don't exactly know how, when or why it started, it just did. My love for these majestic and social animals would not cease to grow, and my curiosity never seemed to stop growing either.

When I discovered manga, I discovered a whole new kind of wolf, a whole new kind of way of picturing them.

Kiba, from Wolf's Rain (which is an awesome anime by the way).

Of course, I kept loving them just the same, if not more.

It became more than a love story, more than a favorite animal. It became an obsession. Wolf this, wolf that, wolf here, wolf there, wolfies everywhere.

And that's right about the time I started RPing. I'd happenned upon a website that was about wolves, and they decided to make an RP about rival packs, and I couldn't refuse to join, so I didn't. I created my own website, and RPed there for a bit, but almost no one came, so it sort of 'died' gradually.

And so I drew them. A lot. Big ones. Small ones. Babies. Elders.

Which brings us to this year, when I discovered... elemental wolves.

Fotia - Fire wolf.

And that is pretty much the whole story of my wolf-loving life! Of course, with a love of wolves comes a love of.. werewolves! Not the weird ones, though. I'm not talking about the creepos that transform on the night of the full moon into a freaky animal dog, nope, not at all. I'm talking about normal humans, who can become a wolf whenever they please, wherever they please.

Now that I have talked a bit about werwolves and a lot about my love of wolves, I am out.

Have a nice day all! ^.^

I Am Here!

Hello to one and all!

I'm at my grand-parents (spending a couple days here so my parents can have some alone time for New Year's Eve) and before we came here, we went to Chapters Indigo to spend the money we got for Christmas and I immediatly went to the manga section of course! ^.^ I found like, a million interesting stories but I chose "I Am Here" by Ema Toyama! ^.^

And so when I got here I started reading it and after the two first chapters I was hooked like a fish on a fishing pole! So, I continued reading, and I believed I finished it in 20 minutes. Well, I must say, though I prefer action packed and dramatic mangas, this one was quite enjoyable! I must read it again, and again, and again! I just can't wait to get the second one, but it looks like I'll have to, because I spent all my Gift Card money :( 

It was actually quite funny because when I chose it - because I was hesitating between this one and another quite intriguing story - I had no idea it involved a blog! Which is a big coincidence since I started this one today and I bought the book today! Anywho, I'm gonna stop blabbing about this now and give this post an end!

Sunflower ^.^

P.S: Next post will definetly be about wolves! ^.^

How Forgetful Can I Be?

Hello! ^.^

I've forgotten some very important things when I wrote 20 (21 to be exact) things about myself, so here are 5 more important (um, I mean, essential) things about mwa! 

1- My name is Angelique (DUH! shoulda said my name at first, how forgetful can I be??)! But you can call me Angel-sama (nyahahahahaha >:D)! Um, actually, don't call me that. Call me... Angel! Or whatever ya like, in fact (to be truthful, you don't have to call me anything at all, and who's gonna happen upon my useless little blog anyways?).
2- I'm perfectly bilingual! My mother is english and my father french, I speak both languages as perfectly as any english or french person out there, and maybe even better.
3- I'm totally obsessed with - wait for it - WOLVES. They are like, my reason of living.
4- Ceasar salad is the most delicious thing I have ever eaten in my life... that is, if you leave out the M&Ms.
5- I like writing about random stuff, and I write a lot, so if you're reading my blog, don't be surprised if - woop! - I post more than one time a day. It's just normal old me.

Thanks for readin'! ^.^

P.S: It feels so good to finally reveal myself to someone! No one in my 'real life' knows me entirely (pretty much because I have no friends). I guess telling anonymous people sets me free in a way..? Anyways, enough blabin', bye now!

Black Butler

Mwahaha, hello all!

I was listening to this song, and it made me think of Black Butler! Or if you prefer, Kuroshitsuji! So I'm gonna talk a bit about it :)

On the left, Sebastian, Ciel's loyal servant! Or, something like that. He's one hell of a butler! :'D
On the right we can see, oh look, CIEL! Eyepatch, chess piece in hand, pretty creepy, huh? Well his attitude is creepier. Believe me!

Ok so since I don't like any other characters in this, I shall put a series of funny or simply beautiful images I found on Google (none of them are mine, gomenasai!).

This picture disturbed me at first but I loved the feathers, and Ciel's eye is jsut... O_O ♥

Ciel as a girl. Epic episode (also, regarding that, I've only watched the first season - yes, there is a second :O - because my friend told me someone's eye - Aelis, I believe - would be.. ahem.. don't recall the word she used, but she said she would never see the world the same way ever again).

This is awesome, and the red in Seby's eyes is just... fabulously beautiful, it left me in awe ♥

This is Grell. I said I wouldn't mention any other chracters but I loved this picture so I decided to put it =3

Fell in love with this image of Grell too... just look, the eyes! O_O (hypnotised momentarily, gomenasai)

Once again, mentionning another character... Sorry, just had to, seing as she's so crazy! This is Elizabeth (I call her Lily ^.^), Ciel's cousin (who he's unfortunately destined to marry, the poor thing).

'Nother one of Lily! I believe she was at the market in this picture (ice sculpture festival or sumtin? dunno).

Lily's dress. It was too magnificent not for me to mention =3

Well this is a picture of pretty much all the characters from the first season (some of them are missing, like what's his name... Lee, is it?), although I don't see why the Undertaker is not there...

As he wasn't in the 'family picture' above, here he is! The Undertaker himself! We no see his eyes here. I believe there's only one episode in which we see them... anywho...

And this is why you don't see them.

Beautiful, beautiful, when's the wedding? :')

Mey-Rin is by far the funniest character in this series (in my opinion of course)!

Much prettier now, don't ya think? Except that, without her glasses, she can't see a thing.

Well, that is all, hope you liked my little picture posting dedicated to Black Butler!

I ain't making no promises but I think my next post might be about wolves! ^.^

See ya!