Friday 30 December 2011

Wolfies ^.^

Hellow! ^.^

This is a special post dedicated to my favorite animals... WOLVES! So enjoy! ^.^

"Because the strength of the wolf is the pack, and the strength of the pack is the wolf."
- Anonymous

have been passionate about wolves since the age of 6 and have never stopped loving them since.

I don't exactly know how, when or why it started, it just did. My love for these majestic and social animals would not cease to grow, and my curiosity never seemed to stop growing either.

When I discovered manga, I discovered a whole new kind of wolf, a whole new kind of way of picturing them.

Kiba, from Wolf's Rain (which is an awesome anime by the way).

Of course, I kept loving them just the same, if not more.

It became more than a love story, more than a favorite animal. It became an obsession. Wolf this, wolf that, wolf here, wolf there, wolfies everywhere.

And that's right about the time I started RPing. I'd happenned upon a website that was about wolves, and they decided to make an RP about rival packs, and I couldn't refuse to join, so I didn't. I created my own website, and RPed there for a bit, but almost no one came, so it sort of 'died' gradually.

And so I drew them. A lot. Big ones. Small ones. Babies. Elders.

Which brings us to this year, when I discovered... elemental wolves.

Fotia - Fire wolf.

And that is pretty much the whole story of my wolf-loving life! Of course, with a love of wolves comes a love of.. werewolves! Not the weird ones, though. I'm not talking about the creepos that transform on the night of the full moon into a freaky animal dog, nope, not at all. I'm talking about normal humans, who can become a wolf whenever they please, wherever they please.

Now that I have talked a bit about werwolves and a lot about my love of wolves, I am out.

Have a nice day all! ^.^

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