Friday 30 December 2011

More About Me

"Still? Aw man!"

I know, I know, it's getting old, but there's still some more stuff you need to know about me! Bear through it please x)

1- I have a ten year old brother. His name is Lukas. He's sometimes quite anoying, but I sorta love him in a way (ewww). Like, the big sister way, ya know.
2-  I have a cat. He's fat. About 8 years old I believe. Goin' senile. His name's Charlie. He's the gray version of Garfield ;D
3- I like flowers. A lot. Don't know why. Before going to sleep sometimes, I imagine a scene... Let me write it for ya! :D "The soft breeze is warm, and tickles my neck as I lay amongst the millions of flowers in this never-ending field. A mixture of extravagant colors offers itself to me. I see flowers and flowers for miles, nothing but flowers and the greenest grass there ever was. I can hear the soft rushing of a river nearby, but I can't see it. Staring at the sky, arms spread out wide, I breathe in the fresh air that smells like crisp autumn nights and rain, although it doesn't seem like it's rained at all, and autumn is still a quite long way away. Three months 'til the sun's warmth won't help with the breeze that chills you to the bone. Three months 'til the end of the swimming season. Three months until the end of freedom."
4- I'm really smart. I'm actually in an advanced program called PEI (Programme d'Études Internationales - and yes, I attend a french middle school and will be attending a french high school also).
5- Sometimes I wish I was a werewolf, in a pack and everything, just so at night I could run away. Run far. Feel the wind in my fur as I succesfully escaped my painful day, that would be so far behind me. The pack would be my friends. 

So I guess that's it for tonight, and I'm going to bed. It's been a long day!

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