Friday 30 December 2011

Black Butler

Mwahaha, hello all!

I was listening to this song, and it made me think of Black Butler! Or if you prefer, Kuroshitsuji! So I'm gonna talk a bit about it :)

On the left, Sebastian, Ciel's loyal servant! Or, something like that. He's one hell of a butler! :'D
On the right we can see, oh look, CIEL! Eyepatch, chess piece in hand, pretty creepy, huh? Well his attitude is creepier. Believe me!

Ok so since I don't like any other characters in this, I shall put a series of funny or simply beautiful images I found on Google (none of them are mine, gomenasai!).

This picture disturbed me at first but I loved the feathers, and Ciel's eye is jsut... O_O ♥

Ciel as a girl. Epic episode (also, regarding that, I've only watched the first season - yes, there is a second :O - because my friend told me someone's eye - Aelis, I believe - would be.. ahem.. don't recall the word she used, but she said she would never see the world the same way ever again).

This is awesome, and the red in Seby's eyes is just... fabulously beautiful, it left me in awe ♥

This is Grell. I said I wouldn't mention any other chracters but I loved this picture so I decided to put it =3

Fell in love with this image of Grell too... just look, the eyes! O_O (hypnotised momentarily, gomenasai)

Once again, mentionning another character... Sorry, just had to, seing as she's so crazy! This is Elizabeth (I call her Lily ^.^), Ciel's cousin (who he's unfortunately destined to marry, the poor thing).

'Nother one of Lily! I believe she was at the market in this picture (ice sculpture festival or sumtin? dunno).

Lily's dress. It was too magnificent not for me to mention =3

Well this is a picture of pretty much all the characters from the first season (some of them are missing, like what's his name... Lee, is it?), although I don't see why the Undertaker is not there...

As he wasn't in the 'family picture' above, here he is! The Undertaker himself! We no see his eyes here. I believe there's only one episode in which we see them... anywho...

And this is why you don't see them.

Beautiful, beautiful, when's the wedding? :')

Mey-Rin is by far the funniest character in this series (in my opinion of course)!

Much prettier now, don't ya think? Except that, without her glasses, she can't see a thing.

Well, that is all, hope you liked my little picture posting dedicated to Black Butler!

I ain't making no promises but I think my next post might be about wolves! ^.^

See ya!

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